joi, 2 ianuarie 2014

Improving the Happiness Level

Positive Psychology in Practice in Developing Countries- with Romania in mind

How can you help people in places where they need it most?

With Positive Psychology


·         The results are proven, tested, easy to use

·         Money is difficult to reach individuals, it gets embezzled by officials or sheer bureaucracy

·         These people have the lowest levels of life satisfaction

·         There are a number of rules, methods that can be put in practice

·         One example; keep a gratitude journal- 5 minutes will make a world of difference


·         Applying principles demonstrated by psychology greats like:

·         Martin Seligman, Daniel Gilbert, Ed Diener, Nathaniel Branden and others listed at the end

·         Using technology which is getting a foothold in the remotest parts of Africa

·         Through social media

·         Involving personalities, celebrities willing to participate in this project

·         Using the well known principle of Pay it Forward

·         Word of Mouth and buzz word J

·         Words create Worlds


·         The cost is low, the benefits could be huge

·         Benefits include higher productivity, because happier people work better

·         Reduced budget spending: NHS will spend less on people who have improved immunitary systems as a result of this program

In both Romanian in English, one first step and place might be Romania- The Carpathian Garden J

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